
Eddie Kim

  • Services: graphic design
  • Location: New York, New York
  • Degree: BFA Communication Design, Parsons School of Design
  • Contact
  • Read: resume

I am a graphic designer. I hold a BFA in com­mu­ni­cation design from Parsons. I collaborate with artists, designers, and businesses on print, identity, and interactive projects. I design and develop websites focusing on customized digital experiences. Below is a portfolio of projects by Eddie Kim.


Last updated: 2024-07-19


Won/One/Whah Gwan, Skip Fame runway @93 Canal Street

  • Countdown web flyer for Skip Fame with
  • Type: website
  • Year: 2024
  • Location: 93 Canal Street
  • Slide to view
    • Countdown for pre and post event
    • Documentation of the runway

Collaboration with

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Skip Fame runway countdown pre event
Skip Fame runway @93 Canal Street
Skip Fame runway model 1
Skip Fame runway countdown post event
Screenshot of Skip Fame runway web flyer post event
Skip Fame runway @93 Canal Street
Skip Fame runway model 2

Will Kim, creative studio

  • Website design and development for Will Kim
  • Type: website
  • Year: 2023
  • Slide to view
    • compass
    • Project pages from SASU compass mong compass archive compass SASU
Sasu project page in SASU look 1 avatar SASU look 2 avatar

Script Type

  • Script Type is a study of typefaces designed to create adversarial attacks on text recognition software. The goal is to devise typefaces legible to the human eye while causing misclassification in the algorithmic recognition process. The foundation of Script Type typefaces lies in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These typefaces are seen with human inputs or interactions that machines struggle to mimic.
  • Type: website
  • Year: 2023–ongoing
  • Slide to view
    • ST Cousin, seen with visual similarities
    • ST Camouflage, seen with text selection highlight
    • ST Camera, seen with movements
    • ST Camouflage: a poster for 908A's lecture at Parsons
Script Type: ST Cousin
Script Type: ST Camouflage
Script Type: ST Camera
Poster for 908A

Shayne Oliver, co-founder and design director of Hood By Air

  • Website design and development for Shayne Oliver
  • Type: website
  • Year: 2021
  • Slide to view
    • Shayne Oliver interactive logo
    • Museum, Shayne Oliver portfolio website
    • Project pages from Museum
    • Unreleased website for HEADLESS: The Demonstration, The Shed is archived on 2022-08-26.


Shayne Oliver interactive logo
Museum, Shayne Oliver portfolio website
Museum: Hood By Air
Museum, Shayne Oliver portfolio website: Hood By Air page
Museum: Hood By Air
Museum, Shayne Oliver portfolio website: Hood By Air page image viewer
Museum: Helmut Lang
Museum, Shayne Oliver portfolio website: Helmut Lang page image viewer
Unreleased website for HEADLESS: The Demonstration, The Shed
Randomly generated layout in HEADLESS: The Demonstration minisite
Unreleased website for HEADLESS: The Demonstration, The Shed
Randomly generated layout in HEADLESS: The Demonstration minisite

In Situ–, menswear collection by Anson Li

  • Website design and development for In Situ– documentation
  • Type: website
  • Year: 2022
  • Slide to view
    • fragments
    • fragments in chronological order fragments fragments: 21 images scattered in 3D space fragments in chronological order in chronological order: 21 images ordered, in a pyramid structure

Lottery Winning Numbers

  • Visualization of 100 sets of winning numbers from South Korean lottery, Lotto 6/45. In each winning set are 6 numbers drawn from a group of 45 balls. 100 draw results are separated into layers which can be seen by a 45-cell 10 × 5 table view, or rows of six 6 × 1 linear view.
  • Type: website
  • Year: 2019
  • Slide to view
    • 10 × 5 table view
    • 6 × 1 linear view
    • 10 × 5 table view zoomed
Lottery Winning Numbers: 10 × 5 table view
100 sets of winning numbers seen by 10 × 5 table view
Lottery Winning Numbers: 6 × 1 linear view
100 sets of winning numbers seen by 6 × 1 linear view
10 × 5 table view zoomed
100 sets of winning numbers in 10 × 5 table view zoomed in

Anonymous Identity

  • Anonymous identity for a hacktivist collective, Anonymous. Each uniquely generated “anonymous” can be distributed to all members of Anonymous as an anonymous identifier.
  • Type: identity
  • Year: 2019
  • Slide to view
    • “Anonymous” generator
    • “Anonymous” samples
“Anonymous” generator
“Anonymous” samples
96 generated samples of Anonymous logo

F.17–F.22 Academic Timeline

  • Academic timeline from F.17 to F.22. A 2-year gap period in gray.
  • Type: motion
  • Year: 2022
  • Slide to view
    • F.17–F.22 Academic Timeline
    • F.17–F.22 Academic Timeline sequence
F.17–F.22 Academic Timeline
Fall 17-Fall 22 Academic Timeline
F.17–F.22 Academic Timeline sequence

Error Handling Interface

  • Error Handling Interface handling errors with Chris Rypkema.
  • Type: motion
  • Year: 2021
  • Slide to view
    • Error Handling Interface: 16-second excerpt
    • Error Handling Interface: master grid
Error Handling Interface: 16-second excerpt
Error Handling Interface: master grid
Error Handling Interface master grid

Apollo 11 Lunar Sample Catalogue

  • A 265-page catalogue of lunar samples from Apollo 11 mission. Samples are in real life 1 : 1 scale on 8 × 7 inch matrices. The catalogue contains 236 photographs of total 66 samples from the Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office at NASA. This book is a stack of 265 sheets of US Letter, single-sided black and white printing, screw bound with red acetate protective films.
  • Type: book
  • Year: 2021
  • Slide to view
    • Catalogue cover and spine
    • Selected pages from the catalogue
Back cover and spine
Apollo 11 Lunar Sample Catalogue back cover and spine
Front cover
Apollo 11 Lunar Sample Catalogue front cover
Front cover without protective film
Apollo 11 Lunar Sample Catalogue front cover without protective film
Page 5: Apollo 11 mission overview
Apollo 11 Lunar Sample Catalogue page 5: Apollo 11 mission overview
Page 12: basalt samples section divider
Apollo 11 Lunar Sample Catalogue page 12: basalt samples section divider
Page 20: basalt sample 10017
Apollo 11 Lunar Sample Catalogue page 20: basalt sample 10017,81 bottom orientation
Page 73: basalt sample 10057
Apollo 11 Lunar Sample Catalogue page 73: basalt sample 10057 arbitrary orientation
Page 116: breccia sample 10018
Apollo 11 Lunar Sample Catalogue page 116: breccia sample 10018,0 top orientation

Streeteasy New York City Real Estates + Invisible Child by Andrea Elliot

  • Listings from the most expensive New York City real estate from Streeteasy are printed on the receipt. Back of receipt is a story of Dasani living in a homeless shelter excerpted from Invisible Child by Andrea Elliot.
  • Type: book
  • Year: 2021
  • Slide to view
    • Selected pages from the book
    • Book cover
Page 24, 25
Streeteasy New York City Real Estates + Invisible Child by Andrea Elliot pages 24–25
Page 14, 15
Streeteasy New York City Real Estates + Invisible Child by Andrea Elliot pages 14–15
Back cover
Streeteasy New York City Real Estates + Invisible Child by Andrea Elliot back cover
Front cover
Streeteasy New York City Real Estates + Invisible Child by Andrea Elliot front cover

Six Women, womenswear collection by James Kaniefski

  • Custom Times New Roman glyphs for each look in Six Women collection. Glyphs are drawn referencing selected parts of the garment by the designer. Six Women has featured in Vogue.
  • Type: identity
  • Year: 2022
  • Slide to view
    • Six Women gylphs for look 1–6
Look 1
Six Women look 1 and its custom glyph
Look 2
Six Women look 2 and its custom glyph
Look 3
Six Women look 3 and its custom glyph
Look 4
Six Women look 4 and its custom glyph
Look 5
Six Women look 5 and its custom glyph
Look 6
Six Women look 6 and its custom glyph